J Korean Crit Care Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing 2010;3(2):61-76.
Published online December 31, 2010.

간호사를 위한 호흡곤란 응급관리 시뮬레이션 시나리오 개발
강혜원, 허혜경
1연세대학교 원주의과대학 간호학과
2연세대학교 원주의과대학 간호학과
Development of a Simulation Scenario on Emergency Nursing Care of Dyspnea Patients
Hye-Won Kang, Hea-Kung Hur
1Department of nursing, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine
2Department of nursing, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine
This study was aimed to construct an algorithm of dyspnea emergency care and develop a simulation scenario for emergency care of dyspnea based on the algorithm.
The first stage of this methodological study was to construct a preliminary algorithm based on a literature review, and content and clinical validity were established. Reflecting the result of content and clinical validity for this preliminary algorithm, simulation scenario was developed based on the modified Bay Area Simulation Collaborative scenario template. The content validity of this scenario was established, and clinical applicability was tested by applying this scenario to nurses.
The final simulation scenario of emergency care of dyspnea consisted of scenario overview, curricular integrity, and scenario script. The scenario was proceeded on 7 phases of the algorithm as follows; initial assessment, immediate emergency care, reassessment of dyspnea, monitoring respiratory failure, checking pulse if respiratory failure occurs, decision making on cardiopulmonary resuscitation or intubation, determining a differential diagnosis according to origin of dyspnea.
The simulation scenario of emergency care of dyspnea developed in this study may provide a strategy of simulation education for emergency care of dyspnea for nurses.
Key Words: Dyspnea, Emergency nursing, Patient simulation, Education, Nurses

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