중환자실 간호사를 대상으로 소책자를 활용한 방사선 안전관리 교육의 효과 |
이정은, 김상희 |
1부산대학교병원 외상중환자실 2인제대학교 간호학과 |
Effects of Radiation Safety Management Education with the Use of a Booklet for Intensive Care Unit Nurses |
Jeong Eun Lee, Sang Hee Kim |
1Staff Nurse, Trauma Intensive Care Unit, Pusan National University Hospital, Busan, Korea. 2Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Inje University, Busan, Korea. iris0409@inje.ac.kr |
Abstract |
PURPOSE This study investigated the effects that the use of a booklet for intensive care unit nurses had on radiation safety management education (knowledge about and behaviors in radiation safety management, and awareness of anxiety caused by radiation hazards). METHODS A randomized control group pretest-posttest design was used. A booklet about radiation safety management developed by the authors was used as educational material. Participants (N=42) were intensive care unit nurses of P hospital in B city. Training was provided to the experimental group (N=21). Knowledge about and behaviors in radiation safety management and awareness of anxiety caused by radiation hazards were measured by questionnaires before and after the intervention. Data was analyzed by an χ2-test, non-paired t-test, and paired t-test. RESULTS There was a significant difference between groups in knowledge of (t=-14.932, p < .001) and behaviors in (t=-8.297, p < .001) radiation safety management and awareness of anxiety caused by radiation hazards (t=9.378, p < .001). CONCLUSION The levels of knowledge about and behaviors in radiation safety management and awareness of anxiety generated by radiation hazards of intensive care unit nurses increased after receiving one session of radiation safety management education using the booklet. Therefore, providing radiation safety management training is suggested as an effective strategy for improving radiation safety management. |
Key Words:
Radiation, Safety management, Education, Pamphlets |