인공호흡기 관련 폐렴 예방 번들 적용의 효과 |
김세정, 이윤미, 조정현 |
1인제대학교 해운대백병원 간호과 2인제대학교 간호학과, 건강과학연구소 3인제대학교 간호학과, 건강과학연구소 |
The Effects of Implementation of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Prevention Bundles |
Sea Joung Kim, Yun Mi Lee, Jeonghyun Cho |
1Nurse Manager, Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital, Busan. 2Professor, Department of Nursing, Institute of Health Science, Inje University, Busan. 3Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Institute of Health Science, Inje University, Busan. jhcho@inje.ac.kr |
Abstract |
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) bundle. METHODS This was a retrospective study that was carried out between June 2010 and October 2015. In this study, 3,224 intubated patients were included. The VAP bundle which was applied to Group 1 patients (n=470) included head-of-bed elevation to 30 degrees, cuff pressure monitorization, prophylaxis of peptic ulcer, and prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis. The VAP bundle for Group 2 patients (n=1,914) included all the elements of the VAP bundle for Group 1 patients and one additional element which was oral care with 0.12% chlorhexidine. The VAP bundle for Group 3 patients (n=870) added sedative interruption and assessment of readiness to extubate to the VAP bundle for Group 2. RESULTS The numbers and incidences of VAP were significantly different among the three groups. Moreover, there were significant differences among groups in ICU length of stay and mortality. CONCLUSION Three different VAP prevention bundles made different effects in patient outcomes. |
Key Words:
Ventilator-associated pneumonia, Patient care bundles, Intensive care units, Infection control |