체간 유지 체위변경 방법이 30도 측위 유지, 편안함 및 피부 상태에 미치는 효과 |
이채원, 이영희 |
1서울아산병원 2성균관대학교 임상간호대학원 |
Effects of the Trunk Maintenance Repositioning Method on Keeping a 30° Side-Lying Position, Comfort, and Skin Condition |
Chae Won Lee, Young Hee Yi |
1Registered Nurse, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. 2Professor, Department of Clinical Nursing Science, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. iyyh@skku.edu |
Abstract |
PURPOSE This study was performed to evaluate the effects of a prolonged a 30°side-lying position on comfort and skin condition by applying the trunk maintenance repositioning method, which can keep the 30°side-lying position effective for preventing pressure ulcers. METHOD Fifty-four healthy nurses working at a general hospital in Seoul were randomly assigned to an experimental group (n=27) or a control group (n=27) and assumed a position of lying on their right or left side for two hours. The trunk maintenance repositioning method was applied to the experimental group using the pillow made by the researcher, while the original repositioning method was applied to the control group using the regular pillow from the subject hospital. Participants' posture angles, comfort, and skin condition were measured at the time of the intervention, as well as at one and two hours after the intervention. RESULTS There was no statistically significant difference in position angle, comfort, skin condition change, or sacrum and greater trochanter pressure change between the two groups over time. CONCLUSION It is necessary to review the method and frequency of change of position in each hospital. In addition, a proper position changing pillow should be developed in consideration of patients' various body shapes. |
Key Words:
Pressure ulcer, Repositioning, Comfort, Pressure |