J Korean Crit Care Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing 2013;6(2):65-77.
Published online December 31, 2013.

중환자실 내 지속적 신대체 요법과 관련된 간호업무 분석
윤선영, 이영옥, 강지연, 윤미정, 원윤희, 이미영
1동아대학교 간호학과
3동아대학교 간호학과
4동아대학교 의료원
5동아대학교 의료원
Nursing Activities on Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy in the Intensive Care Units
Seonyoung Yun, Young Ock Lee, Jiyeon Kang, Mi-Jeong Yun, Youn-Hui Won, Mi-Young Lee
1Department of nursing, Dong-A University
2Kosin University Gospel Hospital
3Department of nursing, Dong-A University
4Dong-A University Medical Center
5Dong-A University Medical Center
6Busan Institute of Science and Technology
The purpose of the study was to analyze the nursing activities related to continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) in the intensive care units (ICU).
We developed a list of 31 CRRT related nursing activities based on literature review and reviewed by expert group. A total of 109 direct time measurement records by 43 ICU nurses were collected and analyzed in terms of total time per shift, frequency, standard time, difficulty and performance levels of each CRRT nursing activity.
The mean time for CRRT nursing activity was 85.60 minutes per 8 hour shift. Nurses have spent average $9.46{pm}6.98$ minutes in a shift for "waste fluid bag change" activity. In addition, "check catheter location" was the most time consuming single activity. The most difficult activity was "counseling-answer" and the most competent one was "dialysis solutions change".
The CRRT nursing activities accounted for a significant portion of total nursing workload. Practical allocation of nursing staff for CRRT patient along with development of a new nursing cost system need to be considered. Continuous nursing educational and training programs on CRRT should be developed.
Key Words: Renal replacement therapy, Intensive care units, Nursing, Workol ad, Analysis

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