중증도 분류 간호사에 의한 응급환자 중증도 분류 신뢰도 측정 연구: Emergency Severity Index Version 4를 중심으로 |
최희강, 최민진, 김주원, 이지연, 신선화, 이현정 |
1서울대학교 병원 응급의료센터 간호팀 2서울대학교 병원 응급의료센터 성인응급실 3서울대학교 병원 응급의료센터 성인응급실 4서울대학교 병원 응급의료센터 성인응급실 5서울대학교 병원 응급의료센터 성인응급실 6서울대학교 병원 응급의료센터 성인응급실 |
Reliability of the Emergency Severity Index Version 4 Performed by Trained Triage Nurse |
Hee Kang Choi, Min Jin Choi, Ju Won Kim, Ji Yeon Lee, Sun Hwa Shin, Hyun Jung Lee |
1Department of Emergency Nursing, Seoul National University Hospital 2Department of Emergency Nursing, Seoul National University Hospital 3Department of Emergency Nursing, Seoul National University Hospital 4Department of Emergency Nursing, Seoul National University Hospital 5Department of Emergency Nursing, Seoul National University Hospital 6Department of Emergency Nursing, Seoul National University Hospital |
Abstract |
Purpose The aim of this study was to measure the inter-rater reliability of Emergency severity index (ESI) version 4 among triage nurse. Methods This study was carried out from August 11, 2010 to September 7, 2010 in a regional emergency department. Data collection was done by ten triage nurses who trained ESI v.4. Two research nurses and ten triage nurses scored the ESI version 4 to the patients as references, independently. We calculated the weighted kappa between the triage nurses and research nurses to evaluate the consistency of the ESI v.4. Results A total of 233 patients were enrolled in this study. Classification of ESI level was as follows - level 1 (0.4%), level 2 (21.0%), level 3 (67.8%), level 4 (9.4%), and level 5 (1.3%). Inter-rater reliability by weighted kappa was 0.79 (95% Confidence Interval= 0.74-0.83) and agreement rate was 87.1%. Under-triage rate by triage nurse was 6.0% and over-triage rate was 6.9%. Conclusion For this study, inter-rater reliability was measured good level between triage nurses and research nurses in Korean single ED. |
Key Words:
Triage, Emergency Severity Index, Reliability |