동영상 기반 간호정보제공이 중환자실 입원 환자 가족의 환경적 스트레스, 불안과 간호요구 만족도에 미치는 효과 |
이문경, 이윤미 |
1마산 삼성병원 2인제대학교 의과대학 간호학과, 건강과학 연구소 |
The Effects of Video-based Admission Education on Environmental Stress, Anxiety and Nursing Needs Satisfaction among Family members with Patient in ICU |
Moon-Kyung Lee, Yun-Mi Lee |
1Masan Samsung Hospital 2Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Inje University, Institute of Health Science |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of video-centered information among family members intensive care unit (ICU). Methods A quasi-experimental, nonequivalent control group, pretest-posttest design was used. Participants (n=86) were family members who were the main caregivers for the patient in ICU. An experimental group (n=43) watched a video while the control group (n=43) was provided a leaflet. Levels of environmental stress, anxiety and nursing need satisfaction were measured by questionnaires before and after the interventions. Data were analyzed with ${chi}^2$ test, paired t-test, independent t-test, Fisher's exact test and ANCOVA. Results There were no differences in environmental stress (F=1.88, $p$=.065), and anxiety (t=0.37, $p$=.711) between 2 groups, but there was a significant difference in nursing need satisfaction (t=3.01, $p$=.004). Conclusion Providing video-centered information would be an effective nursing intervention by improving nursing need satisfaction among family, the main caregivers members of patients in ICU. |
Key Words:
Intensive Care Unit, Family, Stress, Anxiety, Satisfaction |